Monday, January 25, 2010

Joseph Sin - mind the gap.

I'm just reading Seth Godin's "The Gap".

He suggests that in many endeavours there is a "gap" when the going gets tough.  Whatever you are doing might be easy at first, but you may reach a point where it gets harder.  He argues that it is worthwhile pushing through the gap, because those that do will reap the rewards: they will be better at what they do, and so more likely to be successful at it.

If I apply this thinking to my writing, then I feel I have hit the gap now.  The writing isn't easy, but I do find it more enjoyable than the thought of trying to get the manuscript published.

I completed a test around a year ago which was aimed at identifying what kinds of skills I had, and which I enjoyed.  "Literary" skills were at the top of the list > 90%: classified not just as something I enjoyed, but as a need.  "Selling" was way down at the bottom of the list, something I was not great at, and didn't enjoy.  Clearly an area for improvement.

Selling this manuscript is my Joseph Sin gap.

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