Thursday, November 3, 2011

Decline, decline, decline

I saw a comment on a discussion forum about a charity wristband that they writer had accepted, but he didn't think it was a good thing to be making stuff out of plastic. He realised it was just more stuff.

My answer is to not accept it. Or, worst case, if you've taken it without thinking go back, and tell them you don't want it, and why. It's difficult with charities, especially those you admire and support, but they still have email to get in touch.

I decline stuff all the time, and I feel better for it. Flyers, catalogues, whatever they're handing out. There was a couple of guys handing out plastic bottles of water at my local train station recently. They gave me some weird looks because I turned them down. They took a step or two to follow me, thinking I had mis-heard, "It's free!" - "I don't want it, thanks."

Don't take it, decline it, say "No thanks."

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